Technical Parameter:
1.3-part differentiation of WBC, 19 parameters+3 histograms
2.2 Counting Modes: whole blood and prediluted
3.Throughtput:60 samples per hour
4. Micro sampling of 13mL
5. Automatic diluting, lyzing, mixing, rinsing, and unclogging
6. Storage for up to 35,000 sample results(including histograms)
7. Large Color LCD Display
8. High Reliability And Accuracy: Comprehensive QC programs including L-J, X, X-R
and X-B analyses Fully automatic calibration Proven
technology such as Intelligent float landmarks for
histograms, Discriminator Shift for PLT
9. Powerful Customized Software Design: Convenient patient data review modes
Customized reference range, Customized parameter units
Programmable multi-format printout
10. Economical: Low sampling volume:13mL whole blood per test
Auto cleaning system minimizes maintenance requirement
Low reagent consumption, low cost