5 Part Automated Hematology Analyzer BC-5380

SKU: BC-5380 Category:

Technical Parameter:

1. Laser scatter differential to ensure outstanding accuracy:
Semiconductor laser scatter to differentiate white blood cells by cell size and granule complexity
Patented cluster algorithm to separate cell groups with great precision
Intuitive flagging information to help determine abnormal samples
2. Versatile automated sampling:
30-tube autoloader for continuous loading
Independent closed tube compartment for STAT and capillary samples
Supports selected microtiter tubes
3. Only 20uL blood and 1min are required to get a five-part report:
Supports both whole blood and capillary blood samples
20mL blood sampling for CBC+DIFF tests and 15mL for CBC tests
Up to 60 samples per hour throughput
Economical reagent consumption
4. User-friendly software for easy operation and maintenance:
Customization of reference range, report styles, and auto-cleaning schedule
Day-to-Day QC monitoring
Bi-directional LIS connection

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